Smart insurance for renters that’s as flexible as your living situation

sofa bike and plant
man and woman listening to music

Insured in 3 minutes

Rather than taking 30 minutes to get you covered, we can do it in 3 minutes. Honey’s technology identifies info about your home like size and number of rooms, to help make getting you covered faster and simpler.

Cover the right stuff

Take the guesstimating out of contents insurance. We couple the info you give us with data about your home to help you select the cover that works for you. We don’t expect you to be an expert in insurance – that’s our job.

Made for all places

Wherever you keep your stuff, Honey has you covered. Working from home, living with a flatmate, moving house, it’s all good. With our standard cover and extras, we can protect your precious things when mishaps happen.

Protecting your essentials and those things you can’t bear to live without

fire, flood and storm

Natural Disaster Damage

When flood, fire or storm hit

If Mother Nature gets grumpy, your things are covered for loss and damage caused by storms, lightning, hail, fires, floods and water runoff.



When you’re splitting bills

Living with flatmates comes with big pluses. People to binge with, cook with, and now cover with. Honey allows you to add them to your policy to have their things covered too.

working from home

Home Office

When you like to work in pyjamas

We’re there to cover you for any damage to your equipment with up to $20,000 of home office cover. That’s up to 4 times the industry norm.

moving box

In Transit

When you’ve found a new pad

Clumsy movers are no match for Honey. If anything happens to your stuff while in transit, you’re covered.

criminal in balaclava

Theft or Vandalism

When your things go missing

If something of yours gets stolen or vandalised, we’ll cover the costs of replacing it with something new.

leaking tap

Water Damage

When a pipe goes kaboom

If your home and things are damaged by water, we’ll cover clean up and repair costs.

sparkling heart

New for Old

When you really value your stuff

If we need to replace any of your things, we’ll cover you for that item’s value today – not its depreciated value. That’s new.


Guest Contents

When your loved ones need a hand

If you have friends and family staying over, we’ll also cover their belongings. Your home is their home, after all.

These are some of the highlights and benefits of our standard cover for renters. Please refer to the PDS for details on insured events that can impact claims, as well as other exclusions and limitations.

Additional cover for those things you hold extra dear

Accidental damage
When that perfect shot in backyard cricket goes straight through the window
cricket player hitting a ball
Mobile phones
When your life would feel silly without your smartphone
parachuting mobile phone
Individual items
When you have valuable things that go beyond your included cover
camera, picture and guitar
Small business
When you’re the CEO of your home office and need some extra cover
small business
Away from home
When you need to cover your things, everywhere you go in Australia and New Zealand
woman with surf board

These are some of the highlights and benefits of our additional cover options for renters. Please refer to the PDS for details on insured events that can impact claims, as well as other exclusions and limitations.

Smarter questions you can ask about renters insurance

  • What is renters insurance, and why is it important?

    Renters insurance can cover the contents within a home, including all of your valuable belongings following an insured event. This includes protection of your contents from unpredictable weather and the impacts of cyclones, floods, storms and bushfires. Renters insurance also protects you against things like theft, damage and legal liability.

  • What am I covered for?

    Renters insurance covers your contents against loss or damage as a result of an insured event. For a full list of the insured events we cover, please refer to our Product Disclosure Statement.

  • My contents aren’t worth that much. What is the point in having insurance cover?

    Another way of thinking about this is to consider the cost of replacing all of your items, rather than just their current value. In the event of needing to make a claim, and if you need to replace all your items, you may not have the money available to do so. This is why it’s recommended to have contents insurance.

  • What insurance should I get if I am a tenant?

    We offer smart insurance for renters that’s as flexible as your living situation. Wherever you keep your stuff, we have you covered. Working from home, living with a flatmate, moving house, it’s all good. With our standard cover and extras, we can protect your precious things from things like storms, theft, and accidents – even when you take them out on the town.

  • How much should I insure my contents for?

    We aren’t able to provide you with advice on the replacement costs of your contents or how much to insure it for. Instead, we use the information you give us and data sourced from third parties to recommend an amount of cover you could have. You could use this recommendation as a guide.

    Your contents sum insured should include items such as fixtures and fittings (e.g. carpet, blinds, curtains), furniture, electrical goods, and all personal items. Items of value that you want to list on your Certificate of Insurance – such as jewellery, media or artworks – should also be included in the overall sum insured.

    We recommend that you use a contents calculator to determine independently an appropriate sum insured for your needs, which you can then compare to the guide provided by us during your quote.

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Claims in rain, hail or shine

Honey is here for you and your home, 24/7/365. Just lodge a claim, and we’ll be at the ready to help get you back on track.

Renter’s contents insurance in as little as 3 minutes

Get a smarter quote
male couple relaxing on the sofa